Drew's first marathon completed in 3 hours and 32 minutes! He had quite a fan club show up to support and encourage him. We were all very proud of him. He said the wind was cold, and the toughest part was right about mile #20 as he ran across the South Knoxville bridge. He hit the proverbial "wall" as he ran the 3 mile route through Island Home, but then Sam Shaunessy jumped out the "pace car" and ran the last 3 miles with him. Sam was gracious enough to allow Drew to run "solo" into Neyland Stadium to enjoy his moment. I am amazed by that kid! Way to go, Drew!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
26.2 miles! He MADE IT!
Drew's first marathon completed in 3 hours and 32 minutes! He had quite a fan club show up to support and encourage him. We were all very proud of him. He said the wind was cold, and the toughest part was right about mile #20 as he ran across the South Knoxville bridge. He hit the proverbial "wall" as he ran the 3 mile route through Island Home, but then Sam Shaunessy jumped out the "pace car" and ran the last 3 miles with him. Sam was gracious enough to allow Drew to run "solo" into Neyland Stadium to enjoy his moment. I am amazed by that kid! Way to go, Drew!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Cades Cove, Sam's 7th Birthday, and TTI
So much to update, so little time! Spring Break 2009 has come and gone already and we're sliding intot summer! We've sprung forward into daylight's savings time and the weather has been in the 70's a couple of days. Ah, spring! I'm so glad you're here at last!
A momma dove has built a nest in a basket on our back porch. I've enjoyed watching her watch me. She's so protective of her eggs (there are 3 of them)! I learn a lot by watching her...am I as protective of my family as she is of hers, or do I take them for granted? Am I always standing guard, ready to put myself between my family and anything that would dare to harm them? ...including television, music, and the internet?
My baby boy is now officially seven years old. Seven. I can't even believe it. I remember determining before he was born that since he was to be our last child, I would cherish every moment with him. I just turned around for a minute, and now he's seven. Because his birthday fell right in the middle of spring break, we opted to postpone his birthday party. Of course, we had to celebrate his "real" birthday, so the kids and I packed up the car and headed to Cades Cove with the Packs. The pictures I will post later will bear witness to fun that we had. Brandon and Sam get along famously, as do Addie and Sydney. Erica puts up with me too, so it was a great day! We capped off the day with dinner at Wasabi with Drew, the Packs, Grandmom and Papaw, Addie, Sam, and Tom. Great meal...usual after effect, but that's TMI, no doubt! More later....
Monday, March 16, 2009
Spring Break '09

I had to post today before I let too much time slip away. Drew just got home from Orlanda with a medal for having placed 3rd in the mile run. He set his PR at 4.51! My boy is FAST! And I am P-R-O-U-D of him!
Chelcie is at the beach without me for the first time in three years. She made my night by sending me a text informing me that she missed me being there with her. The years pass quickly! How can it be that she's old enough to be making her own decisions?
Sam. Sam. Sam. The questions he asks are incredible! I must post them as they happen so I can remember them. I was talking to him tonight about why the bathwater starts out at a certain level, but when he gets in the tub, the water rises. We didn't add more water, so how could the water level rise? At first he said because he was so heavy. When I asked him to explain, he thought for a minute, then his eyes lit up and he declared, "because when I get in, I take up space, and the water needs somewhere to go!" Quite profound for my child of only six (for another two days anyway).
Addie, my verbal superstar, who throws off the average words per day spoken by females as compared to males! She has an answer or argument for virtually everything! I can't wait to see what the future holds for that young lady.
Reach Them update: 9 brand new folks have joined our Dream Team this week via Facebook, and I am thrilled to have them! I met with our business coach today regarding our opportunity to share the dream with Chick-fil-A to "remind" them of the impact Reach Them has had and will continue to have on this community. Good meeting, not great this time. Kevin seemed distracted.
Tomorrow I am meeting with Anthony to discuss the details of the 2007 event, and hopefully, I will hear back from the Tennessee Theatre that our date will work out. That's my prayer anyway. I'm thrilled to have Steve Spangler as our probable speaker this year and can't wait to talk to him myself!
Wednesday is Sam's birthday, so that whole day is blocked off just for him. We're planning trip to the mountains with the Packs followed by a birthday dinner with Grandmom and Papaw at Wasabi's! Should be a blast! Already looking forward to a great day!
Thursday morning, I am meeting with Melissa McCay from Chick-fil-A, and I can't wait to meet her. Based on our phone conversations and Facebook messages, she and I will get along great! I get the sense that she shares our passion for positively impacting the lives of young people...while we can! Then I am off to Chattanooga with kids in tow to meet with Chris Ackerson and a friend of his that he says I "need to meet this guy." I trust Chris and can't wait to see what develops from this meeting.
Friday is currently wide open! Virginia Creeper? I sure hope we can managed something fun...especially after all this nasty rain! Some Spring Break this has been so far! Tomorrow's a new day! (Thank goodness)!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Does It Get Any Better Than THIS????
I'm overwhelmed.
My children are healthy. They run, laugh, play, and learn every single day. I can see them, hear them, hug them, love them...My parents are alive, healthy, married to each other. My sisters live in town and support me unconditionally...in fact, in spite of me. My house is warm in the winter and cool in the summer. My belly is almost always full. I have job security. My husband works hard and voluntarily does the laundry. He adores our four children and he tolerates my antics. That SHOULD be enough. But not for my God. He pours out His blessing beyond what I could ever think of imagine (and I have a pretty darn good imagination)!
Yesterday, Dianna Glandon surprised me by coming by my classroom after school with a 7 foot tall balloon sculpture that said "Congratulations!" on it and even "sang" to me. Kool and the Gang's "Celebration" serenades me throughout the day! Her thoughtfulness completely took me by surprise.
I can't figure out why so many things are going so well for me lately. It's surreal. I've never experienced life like this before. Even parking places seem to open up for me lately. Most of my life, I've been more like a "Ziggy" than anything else. I've always been the one with the toilet paper on my shoe. I feel totally wrapped up in the arms of my Savior.
Today, Mrs. Fuqua called my classroom at 3:30 and asked if I could come down to the office to chat with her for a few minutes. I told her I had a meeting at 4:00, but I could meet with her for 15 minutes. She said she'd just come down to my classroom. I can't express my shock, amazement, and awe when she told me that I had been chosen the East Tennessee Regional Teacher of the Year! I'm in awe, not of my own ability, but of the incredible power of God at work in my life. He has given me this opportunity and I intend to honor Him with it.
We had another Reach Them BOD meeting today and reached several decisions. We decided to book Steve Spangler as our 2009 Keynote Speaker. Our date will be October 27th or 29th depending on the availability of the TN Theatre. We are updating our collateral materials with the help of Ackermann PR (hopefully), one of the best in the business! Anderson is working on a media promotional video. And our partnership with Chick-fil-A is back on the negotiating table. God is the God who makes all things possible! ALL THINGS. I want to leave a legacy that brings honor to Him.
I'm praying now for my colleague, Kevin, and that my daughter, Chelcie, receives the phone call she has been waiting for. Tomorrow is Panera day. Rise and shine early!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
My Senior Son
Today our son, Drew, got a first hand picture of the way God works. He received a "new to him" car from "God" today. If anyone deserves a decent car, Drew does. He has stayed out of trouble throughout high school. He has managed to pull a 3.6 GPA, and he has not complained about what he has been given. For the past two years, Drew has drived an old convertible Saab that has been known to break down at the most inopportune times.
I don't think it's necessary to reveal WHO was the tool God used to bless Drew, but I am praying that this person will receive many times over what he/she gave away. Drew was so excited, he almost cried. I think because he didn't expect it at all. And I just love that that's the way God works. ...When we least expect it, He gives us a sunrise, a child's laugh, an unexpected check in the mail, a recognition we couldn't imagine...God is good. All the time... I praise Him for seeing Drew's need and meeting it beyond Drew's expectations!
I don't think it's necessary to reveal WHO was the tool God used to bless Drew, but I am praying that this person will receive many times over what he/she gave away. Drew was so excited, he almost cried. I think because he didn't expect it at all. And I just love that that's the way God works. ...When we least expect it, He gives us a sunrise, a child's laugh, an unexpected check in the mail, a recognition we couldn't imagine...God is good. All the time... I praise Him for seeing Drew's need and meeting it beyond Drew's expectations!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Knox County Teacher of the Year
Today was a day worth documenting...once I figure out how to download pictures from my digital camera onto this new computer, I'll post the pictures. In the meantime, I'll have to create pictures with my words.
I was honored to receive the award of Knox County Middle School Teacher of the Year from my district. This is such an honor to me, not because I think I am any better than anyone else, but because this lends credibility to our efforts with Reach Them to Teach Them!
Karen Carson presented me with a certificate. The moment was made extra special by the presence of my family; Mom, Dad, Tom, Chelcie, Addie, and Sam were there to celebrate with me. Drew had cross country practice so he couldn't make it, but he was there "in spirit." Afterward, we went to Chili's on the strip.
The elementary teacher was from A.L. Lotts and the high school teacher was from Bearden High School. Chelcie commented that she went to all three of these schools. The 5th district swept the field. I think Karen Carson (our school board rep) was slighty apologetic about all three of us being from west Knoxville schools.
Constantly learning with my new access to technology gurus via Twitter, and my new MacBook Pro is amazing! So much to learn...
I was honored to receive the award of Knox County Middle School Teacher of the Year from my district. This is such an honor to me, not because I think I am any better than anyone else, but because this lends credibility to our efforts with Reach Them to Teach Them!
Karen Carson presented me with a certificate. The moment was made extra special by the presence of my family; Mom, Dad, Tom, Chelcie, Addie, and Sam were there to celebrate with me. Drew had cross country practice so he couldn't make it, but he was there "in spirit." Afterward, we went to Chili's on the strip.
The elementary teacher was from A.L. Lotts and the high school teacher was from Bearden High School. Chelcie commented that she went to all three of these schools. The 5th district swept the field. I think Karen Carson (our school board rep) was slighty apologetic about all three of us being from west Knoxville schools.
Constantly learning with my new access to technology gurus via Twitter, and my new MacBook Pro is amazing! So much to learn...
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