Brittany, "Coach" Crawford, and Nick |
A little pre-TCAP review activity |
Some of my favorite "tough" guys and one of my precious girls! |
Scary notice in my hotel room in Greenville, SC - GO GIRL POWER! |
I've been thinking of writing an update, but when so many things are happening that are blog worthy, I don't even know where to start. There's no doubt this blog will be rambling and disjointed, but hopefully, will be further evidence of God's work in my life.
TCAP Week is here. We've completed Day 2 with Days 3 and 4 yet to go. I'm confident that my students have tried to do well on the test, but I'm realistic in that they simply do not have the background knowledge they need to be successful on the test. When we started the year, I had one student who scored "proficient" in the third grade. The rest of them scored "basic" or "below basic." As I prepare to leave SMG to return to WVMS, I can look back and say with certainty that my students DID learn. They made progress. The experience was much more difficult than I had anticipated, but I do not regret it, and I'm grateful for it. I am a stronger teacher today because of the lessons I learned at SMG. I intend to write a detailed reflection on the lessons I learned in a future blog post.
Since my last post, I visited the Ron Clark Academy with Windy and Suz - WOW! What an amazing place! I need to go back just to process what I saw the first time. Actually got to spend time with Ron and Kim. The most impressive part of the experience was the students, which is as it should be!
We completed our OBIYTC experience and have moved back into our Locker Room for the remainder of the year. Overall, Melody and I both feel that it was a success and the students benefited from the experience. We celebrated with a pizza party. The big surprise was a visit from Brittany Baird and Nick Reveiz! Brittany wrote a special TCAP cheer for us. 1-2...3-4! T. C. A. P. S. Tcaps are here so let's do our best! Eagle friends, it's time to soar, This is what we've been working for! Reading, Writing, Mathematics, too. Yell it with us- Red, and Blue! Red... and BLUE! Red... and BLUE!
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