Yes, after the tux has been returned, the 51 bobby pins have been removed, the flowers have wilted, the pictures have been uploaded to Facebook, life does go on.
Drew and Chelcie had a great time at the Bearden Prom, and both came back home safe and sound.
Drew and Chelcie had a great time at the Bearden Prom, and both came back home safe and sound.
I'm not feeling particularly witty or insightful tonight, so we'll have to make do with "just the facts, Sir!"
Sunday morning dawned far too early after my late night (3 AM, mind you) waiting for Drew to arrive home, but Tom and I along with Addie and Sam made it to the 9:00 service at North Star. Scott's message was especially powerful to me and I found myself on my face at the altar, asking God to forgive me for being anxious and not trusting Him enough. I laid it all out there and by the time I got up, I knew that He will take care of my every need, and I just have to let Him have control. My heart knows that to be true, but my head just can't seem to step out of it and let Him. How arrogant of me to think I know better than my Creator how to live my life. If I truly gave my life to Him, why do I keep taking it back?
After church, we went straight home to find the two high schoolers moving slowly, but vertical and conscious, at home. Tom, Andrew, Drew, Abby, and Chelcie went to Chattanooga for a Nicaraqua mission trip meeting, while Addie, Sam and I went up to spend some time with Grandmom and Papaw. We enjoyed sharing the prom pictures and just hanging out. Addie had colored a picture for a coloring contest at Linda's Hallmark, so we took her entry by for the judging on Sunday afternoon.
Tom and the kids made it home and we began the rush to ready ourselves for the Monday morning back-to-school rush. Drew's friend, Andrew brought Sam a "dream come true" gift of a notebook FULL of "antique" Pokemon cards! Sam could hardly contain his excitement with the treasure that had become his own! Andrew is officially a hero in Sam's eyes...and mine.
Monday began wet and rainy, but I lingered a bed a little later than usual because I had taken a half day off from school. Once I found the energy to pry myself from under the covers, and away from listening to two of my favorite sounds-rain on the rooftop and Hallerin Hilton Hill on the radio, I dressed and prepared for the busy day ahead of me. First stop-American Book Company to drop off a Press Package for Dean to share with Jeff Gordon's Foundation. Then to the Tennessee Theatre to meet Kevin Clark, Hope Biber, Ed Knowling, and Dan Myers to finalize our rental agreement. Dan was able to save us close to $1,000 over last year's contract, just by reading all the fine print! Our partnership with KLF is already proving to be "worth it!" Then it was back to school for me as I finished out the school day at West Valley only the head across town again for a Mentoring Institute Team meeting! We dotted i's and crossed t's in preparation for the Pre-event to be presented on Tuesday. While in this meeting, I received a phone call from my very excited, and talented 7 year old declaring with much passion and enthusiasm that she had won ANOTHER coloring contest! Yay, Addie! We are now the proud owners of a Webkinz mouse pad! Yee-haw! This is the 3rd coloring contest she has won! It was Chick-fil-A drive-thru for dinner. Another late night for me as I prepared materials for Tuesday's event and a quick trip to Merchant's Road to pick up Tom because the Saab had "issues" and had to be towed to Wayne Strickland's house for surgery!
So much for short and sweet, huh? School this morning, only to leave at 12 for the Mentoring Institute meeting. All went better than expected. The skit I wrote went over very well, and I was greatly relieved! I knew it would either be a hit or fail miserably depending on the audience's reception. They were a great audience and had fun with it too. Rodney Russell seemed pleased with the event and even asked me if I would mind if he taught one of my classes for a week or two. Great idea! We'll see what happens with that idea. Once the meeting concluded, my partner, Erin dropped me off at Bearden High School to meet Tom and watch Drew run the 3200 in 10:55. Tom and I had to rush out quickly to get Addie to soccer practice at Anchor Park. She had a great practice and loves her team. She's a superstar and relishes her position as one of the best! That's my girl!
I talked to Dean and he's managed to secure Nascar's Jeff Gordon for our Reach Them DVD this year! Praise God! We didn't even need the press kit! Also talked to Jesse about what he would charge for the DVD. Jesse and I agreed to leave it up to God to show us clearly which direction He would have us take. Courageous decision for Jesse, and tough call for me and our team. We meet next Monday. Until then, I will pray for discernment. Not being a family to EVER eat at home, we went to Moe's to meet Olivia, Delaney and Ed and reclaim Sam who had been at soccer practice with Ed. Lori and Chuck showed up with the young 'uns sans Courtney, and it was good to see them. I modeled my Mentoring Shirt for Chuck, so he could see that his investment was put to good use. FINALLY, to the home fort for quick showers, bedtime prayers, and American Idol. Another wild day in the life of the Crawfords.
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