Drew and Tom are out of town somewhere near Atlanta, so Chelcie and I hung out at home most of the afternoon. I met with Teresa Nixon at Panera today, and we both wiped tears from our eyes as we shared stories about things that God has done in our lives. There is a place for Teresa on our Reach Them team. I hope she clearly sees that she is the one to fill that place, so I don't have to write her a six page letter like I had to do for Truett Cathy last year!
Back at home, I loaded up Addie, Sam and Taylor (Chelcie followed in her car) and we went to Chick-fil-A for a little playground time. Ed brought Olivia over to play too, and the kids had fun pushing each other around in a high chair, and feeding pieces of bread to little birds. They laughed a lot and the giggles were beautiful sounds to my ears.
From Chick-fil=A, we scooted across the street to the dollar movie to see The Spiderwick Chronicles. Chelcie went to the BHS baseball game and Ed just brought Olivia to the theater because I did not have enough room in my car for four kids. Small world moment- in line for the movie, I talked to Tod and Candance Evans' son's in-laws! Nice people! I love Knoxville. This is my home. After the movie, Addie spent the night with Taylor, Chelcie was at a bonfire, and Sam and I munched on popcorn in bed. He crashed on me early, so I waited up for Chelcie alone. She's home now, so I can sleep easy now.
One more note of interest: The second place horse in the Kentucky Derby today broke both her ankles after she crossed the finish line and had to be euthanized right there on the track! Our local newscaster just said she had to be "immunized." Ugh!
Sunday morning, I woke up next to a sleeping angel! I spent a few minutes this morning watching my baby boy sleep and marveling in the miracle of healthy children. I've been reading some of the blogs on here from mothers who are mourning the loss of their children. The heartache must be excruciating! One story that was particularly powerful to me is the story of Mark and Angie Smith entitled, "Bring on the Rain." Their story may be found here: http://audreycaroline.blogspot.com/. I would encourage you to turn up the sound on your computer and read a little bit about this amazing, beautiful, and courageous family.
Chelcie, Addie, Sam and I made it to the 9:00 service at church. My friend Chris was there with her son, Evan. I know Evan's presence is an answer to Chris's many prayers. Just the look on her face brought me joy! Thank you Lord! We sang "How Great is Our God." I whispered to Chelcie that I've never made it through that song without crying, but I would today. WRONG! I did great until we sang "Our God is an Awesome God" and then went back into "How Great is Our God." When the instruments dropped out and it was just the congregation singing acapella, I lost it...again! My record still stands.
After church, we went to Jason's Deli. Just us Crawfords 'cept Drew and Daddy weren't there with us. Addie had a special tournament prep soccer practice down off Watt Road, so right after lunch, Addie and I headed west to meet "Coach Blake" for an intense practice session. Sam went to Ft. Loudon Park with Ed and Olivia. After Addie's practice, I got a phone call from Ed informing me that they were getting ready to bungee jump, then they'd be heading back our way. Addie and I decided to enjoy a little "Mommy and Me" time by grabbing a snack at McDonalds and taking it to the Cove Park to enjoy the sunshine and 70 degree temperatures. The park was crowded, but Addie and I had some good conversation and I was overcome with gratefulness for happy, healthy, miraculous children. What a blessing my family is to me! My heart of full of love for each one!
Ed and Olivia showed up to deliver Sam, and they had fun kicking the soccer ball around for a while. Sam's new friend from school, Mason, happened to be there, so Sam and Mason played in the sand while I talked to his mom, Nancy, and dad, (?) about NorthStar. They just moved to Knoxville and are looking for a church home. They sounded very interested in visiting. One thing they mentioned was that they have been checking out area churches, and the only church that was friendly and went out of their way to make them feel welcome was WestLake. There is no such thing as coincidence, so I can't help but wonder what God is up to here. They mentioned that they were renting their home and when I told them Tom was a realtor, they said they'd like to do business with a Christian. Hopefully, Tom will call them, and help them find a place to put down roots!
Now that we're back home from another full day spent outside, Addie is working on her Cybill Shepherd homework, and Sam is illustrating a story. Tom and Drew are due back about 10 or 11 tonight. I'll start preparing for Monday morning after I put the kids to bed. We have another Reach Them meeting at Citadel Broadcasting tomorrow. I think I'll walk to school and have Tom drop my car at school. It's supposed to be a beautiful week! I'm dreaming of Cades Cove!
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