Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Don't Have a Cow, Man!

Here's a quick (I promise this time) recap of the week.

Sunday, Sam and I went to NorthStar Church. Tom was in Kentucky working with Scotty, Addie spent the night with Morgan, Drew went to WestLake, and Chelcie met us at church. After church, Chelcie, Sam, and I met Chris, Justin, Lindsey, Delaney, and Ed at Chili's for lunch. I called Dollywood to ask about my phone and they said that they found it and would have it for me at the Lost and Found desk, so Sam, Chelcie, and I headed up to Dollywood late in the afternoon to pick it up and purchase a Season Pass for Chelcie. Turns out, the phone they had for me wasn't mine, BUT I was able to identify my phone from the box! Unfortunately, the lady said it was soaking wet when it was turned in, so it wouldn't power up. It still looked to be in good shape. I was hopeful...Sam rode Thunderhead and Timber Tower, got busted for being too short on Tennessee Tornado. Being the good problem solvers that we are, Chelcie and I took Sam into the bathroom, took his socks off his feet, rolled them up into little mounds and stuffed them in the heels of his shoes. Would you believe he instantly grew 2 inches! We got him and armband to avoid the repeated humiliation of failing the measurement test and headed for the rollercoasters! He enjoyed Thunderhead, but opted out of his ride on Mystery Mine once we got to the loading dock. It was a quick trip, but fun all the same. Chelcie now has her pass and can join us whenever her busy social schedule allows. Oh yeah, and I got my phone back!

Monday's highlight was my and Chelcie's trip the Verizon store. Sparing you details, which is so very hard for me, we walked out with a brand new cell phone for me with all my old contacts saved! Chelcie had her contacts and number transferred to the Razor phone, so she was pleased as well.

Tuesday was our Reach Them meeting at Citadel. Jack and Sue, our printers, agreed to sponsor the event and provide for all of our printing needs FREE! God smiled on us today. Chick-fil-a sent in their proposal and we're still working through the details, hoping for a compromise so that we can meet of financial obligations, but God has already provided for our needs. Also, Emmette Thompson sent me Bill Williams cell phone number, so I called and left him a message with the hope that he would call back and agree to speak at our Two Rivers event on August 19th. I also got a walk in with my good friend and mentor, Sherry Storms!

Wednesday, I took Sam to the dentist for his first, of probably many, fillings. He did great and got to pick two prizes from the prize box and Dr. Henson gave him ice cream money as a reward. I had lunch with my Lotts BFF, Jane Manning and we enjoyed catching up as always. The highlight of the day though, was NorthStar's Hoe-Down! Tom and I joined in a square dance with "My Corner, Randy" and his wife, another couple and Scott and Melissa Cagle. We laughed and had fun, but it was hot! The kids looked adorable and had a blast too. BIG BLESSING of the day, Bill Williams called me back and agreed to speak on August 19th. He said he'd be honored! I'm speechless!

Thursday morning I had a mentoring team meeting and managed to opt out of writing an entirely new skit, but compromised with a modified version of our old one. Tom and I had lunch with Mayor Haslam at the Foundry with the Downtown Kiwanians as Anthony Ingram's guest. I was inspired by Mayor Haslam's vision for Knoxville and I'm praying for a face to face meeting with him sometime soon. Sherry and I walked in the rain. I cooked dinner for my entire family who actually sat together at the table with no extra kids and we had a great time. After dinner, Tom, Addie, Sam and I walked to the RR tracks with Buffet.

Friday morning, I met with Sherry, Suzanne, and Nancy at Panera. Then headed home for Cow Day at Chick-fil-a with the kids. Small group meets at the Bowlings tonight, and Tom is debating about going to the Smoky's game or joining our small group. The kids and I are considering one more Dollywood trip before they head to the beach on Sunday. It's good to have options.

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