Addie ran great and finished with a time of 7.43 for the mile. Not bad for a third grader and her first time running a cross country course. By the time I got home from school, she was already asleep in bed, but at least I got to talk to her on the phone.
Reach Them news of the week is that we have added Comcast as a sponsor. They've promised us heavy coverage, and donated $1,000 toward teacher tickets to the event. Eddie Jessup also contributed $1,000 this week for teacher tickets. We've got $10,000 worth of tickets promised, and now we only have $6,000 more to raise to cover the cost! Hallerin has agreed to "star" in our Comcast commercial along with Phil Williams. We've been abundantly blessed with many good people who are willing to help get the message out about Reach Them to Teach Them. I spoke to John Lee of the Boys and Girls Clubs this week. We met with the folks and the TN Theatre to firm up our details for the night of the event as well. Many, many things to do, but we're making definite progress.
Sad news, Linda McGhee, former secretary at A.L. Lotts Elementary passed away on Wednesday morning. I heard she was only 61 years old.
Chelcie's 19th birthday is tomorrow. I can't believe it's been 19 years since she came into our lives and made life so very interesting!
Tom, Addie, Sam, and I went to the Bearden/Farragut game last night. Bearden lost, but we had a good time sitting with Chelcie and Tyler Rosenbaum and Tyler's two roommates. Chelcie looked beautiful and I was almost caught off guard at how mature she looked. Drew was at the game too, but we didn't see him 'til we got home. He'd had some girl paint a bulldog on his chest. Sure wish I had a picture to show you here, but the moment passed. He didn't stay for the whole game because he had to take the ACT this morning. I sure hope he did well.
This morning, Addie and Sam had soccer games, so the first half of the day was spent at the soccer field. Sam's team lost, but Addie's team won! After the games, Tom left for Georgia and the kids and I went of find a keyboard cover for Chelcie's birthday. We got one for her along with a Cookie Cake from the Great American Cookie Co. It's a "cookie-themed" birthday for Chelcie because I sent a cookie bouquet to her dorm room yesterday. I sure hope she doesn't "toss her cookies" after we take her to Chili's for dinner tonight! We also went by Morgan's house to pick her up because Tom told Addie she could have her over to spend the night.
The Young Life banquet was last Saturday. We had the Slacks, the Gibsons, and my mom and dad at our table. Unfortunately, the Alfords didn't show up. The Eldridges canceled at the last minute and the Creasmans couldn't find a babysitter! Mayor Haslam shared a powerful message about the impact Young Life has had on his own life. He remembered a speaker at Windy Gap telling him that the decision to accept Jesus Christ as Lord of your life is too important a decision not to make. He was urged to accept Him or reject Him that weekend, and it's made all the difference in the world to him.
It's been a pretty good couple of weeks. There've been a few bumps in the road along the way, but I am grateful to have been on the journey.
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