Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pictures of the Week...Sorta

Addie's summation of who we are and what we do.

Daddy-Daughter time (With one eye on the game)

What better place to buy a birthday present for Cousin Lauren?

What?  Okay, so the cake stuck in the pan a little, but it made for a great smiley face!

Everything I cook is "seasoned" with a little LOVE!

Desperate to get a "Picture of the Day"

Watching a TED Talk on the way to the Olive Garden.  Not a good idea for easily distracted drivers!

Brent and Jackie (Love them!)

Lidelle and Rick (Aren't they a lovely couple?)

Our Small Group Newlyweds- Corey and Verni

Scott and Tina - So Sweet!

Rick and Chris - Can you say, "AWKWARD!"???  (Nothing like being our "token" singles, eh?)

Joy and John - Say "Cheese!"

Yep. That's me alright!

And THAT'S the way it is...

This one makes it real.  This is the reality of one of my precious students.  God, please bless "Angel" with an extra dose of Your love today...
Okay, rather than look at it as a failed attempt at keeping my resolution, I'm choosing to look at it as better than I would have done had I not set a goal.  My daily picture plan has already been thwarted.  I left my camera at Small Group on Sunday, but even before my lapse in responsibility, I'd failed.  Here are some recent pictures that depict what things are like over here in my neck of the woods...

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