Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Seven Things You Don't Really Need to Know About Me

This is a first for me. My new "Twitter" friend, Kelly tagged me, so here we go! Seven things? Ummm....Oh, the pressure to be interesting!

1. I am a follower of Christ. As a public school teacher, I realize that some may consider this a conflict of interest, but I consider this my calling in life. I believe that God has gifted me to serve Him in the public schools. My prayer is that someday I will hear my Savior say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

2. I have four incredibly different children. My oldest is a freshman in college, majoring in, would you believe it?, education! Number 2, is a senior in high school and is an incredible cross country runner. Registered for his first marathon in March. Number 3 is my most challenging, but most fascinating child. She is the poster girl for the strong-willed child, and yet is an eager, enthusiastic learner. My prediction is that she will greatly surpass any expectation I have for her. The baby, Number 4, is the light of all our lives. Mr. Six Year Old just lost the first of his two front teeth. His favorite thing to say to me is, "You're never too old to hug your mama!"

3. Sometimes I sing to myself while driving. Loudly. I love music and am often brought to tears when a certain song speaks to my heart.

4. Three years ago, I founded an organization called Reach Them to Teach Them, in the hopes that every child has the opportunity to reach his/her maximum potential. In the almost twenty years I've spent in the classroom, I have seen a definite shift in focus FROM teaching STUDENTS, TOWARD teaching to the TEST. My experience has taught me that without a foundation of mutual trust, respect, and personal investment, our efforts to teach SKILLS are in vain.

5. Confession time. I am an ice-aholic. That's right. I'm addicted to Sonic ice. I buy an 8 lb. bag of pellet ice twice a week! I like it best with unsweetened Milo's tea, but I'll take it straight if tea is unavailable. Yes, I know it's bad for my teeth, but I figure it's better than drinking, smoking, or bringing strange men home!

6. I live in a log house. With four kids and a new puppy, we need something indestructible. I think we've found it.

7. I have a long list of favorite books. Here are just a few: Crazy Love by Francis Chan, Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett, Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer, The Education of Little Tree by Forrest Carter, The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews, and The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo.

So there you go! I can't wait to read what my other friends write about themselves.


  1. I love this! I'm totally an ice-junkie too :) My hubby and I even have favorite restaurants based on who has "the good ice". Be careful though. As a kid, I found out this is a symptom of iron-deficient anemia. Doctors can't explain the cravings because ice has no nutritional value, but it's a documented symptom. Oh, and to "tag" I just listed my recruits at the bottom and will send a message on Twitter :) Happy Tuesday!

  2. NO...I have the poster child for the strong-willed child. I am just paving the way for you! Just so you know...it doesn't go away! However, they will make strong women and likely do great things!!


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